Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Fiction: The Bear Came Over the Mountain:

Fiction: The Bear Came Over the Mountain:


I have finished reading Norton's Guide to Creative Writing and have been super busy with working on my PhD papers. I'm also in the final stages of a longer short story, though the way this editing is going, it's not going to be that long (~2500 words).

Tentatively titled "Nadezhda," it started out as a flash fiction piece. I try to write a solid 500 words (edited) per week and have been quite successful thus far, for the last 15 weeks. As a result, I'm currently on Flash Fiction piece #15, of which "Nadezhda" started on #9. 6 weeks times 500 words equals 3000 words- I guess that seems about right. Though as I remember it, I had the carcass of the story in about a week and have since been editing and rewriting substantially.

Another update on the other Flash Fiction pieces: of the other eight, all but 2 have found homes for publication. Two of them (Freight Hopper and Dead Blackbirds) have been combined into slightly longer pieces of Flash Fiction.

Nice songs, thanks Nik for the link!

Nik's Blog: Yours: "I am a little bit in love with this at the moment. I think it's fab. And I like sharing. Enjoy! (7 to go...)"

Thanks to Nik Oerring for sharing.